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Year 2100


after our climate change disaster over 50 years ago, our world changed completely. Farmers are rarely seen since we do not have any seeds to grow or livestock to raise. Water is very expensive and we only consume a lab grown slop. That is our only food.

This year, the International Association of Endangered Chefs and Restaurateurs are opening a restaurant to let people experience food from the past, from almost a hundred years ago. Their restaurant ‘Gastro’ utilizes technologies that have been used in our society for decades, but it is the first time used in food consumption. No-one really understands food as it was known in 2017. Gastro’s mission offers experiential fine dining through edible and olfaction systems in their machines. 



Gastro is a fine dining, interactive installation and short film that speculates on a post-climate-change world in the year 2100. In this very possible future, restaurants do not exist anymore because farmers do not exist, therefore food cannot grow and cattle die often. However, a few restaurateurs and chefs decide to open a restaurant to let visitors experience food from the past. These entrepreneurs create smart machines with the newest technologies that recreate old gastronomic experiences while also providing stories from farmers' struggles growing foods.

Find more information about this project here.


DONATE HERE: Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Who are they?

"The purpose of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is to provide insurance against both incremental and catastrophic loss of crop diversity held in traditional seed banks around the world. The Seed Vault offers “fail-safe” protection for one of the most important natural resources on earth."